" I’m no beauty queen
I’m just beautiful me "
Who says ???
I wouldn't wanna be anybody else.
You made me insecure
Told me I wasn’t good enough
But who are you to judge
When you’re a diamond in the rough
I’m sure you got some things
You’d like to change about yourself
But when it comes to me
I wouldn’t want to be anybody else
Na na na
Na na na
I’m no beauty queen
I’m just beautiful me
Na na na
Na na na
You’ve got every right
To a beautiful life
Who says
Who says you’re not perfect
Who says you’re not worth it
Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting
Trust me
That’s the price of beauty
Who says you’re not pretty
Who says you’re not beautiful
Who says
Told me I wasn’t good enough
But who are you to judge
When you’re a diamond in the rough
I’m sure you got some things
You’d like to change about yourself
But when it comes to me
I wouldn’t want to be anybody else
Na na na
Na na na
I’m no beauty queen
I’m just beautiful me
Na na na
Na na na
You’ve got every right
To a beautiful life
Who says
Who says you’re not perfect
Who says you’re not worth it
Who says you’re the only one that’s hurting
Trust me
That’s the price of beauty
Who says you’re not pretty
Who says you’re not beautiful
Who says
It’s such a funny thing
How nothing’s funny when it’s you
You tell ‘em what you mean
But they keep whiting out the truth
It’s like a work of art
That never gets to see the light
Keep you beneath the stars
Won’t let you touch the sky
Imz rasa macam dah penat nak mengarang ayat yang sesuai..biarlah lirik-lirik lagu mengambarkan alunan suara hati ini..chewahhh..jiwang karat pulakkk..
Mood tengah sangat baik..berpositif dengan segala hal yang telah terjadi,tengah terjadi dan bakal terjadi...dengan positif barulah hidup kita akan indah,InsyaALLAH dengan izinNYA..
Imz sekarang kat kampung , ngah holiday CNY for 1 week....so..ape lagi..jom jalan-jalan di Kelantan...see ya !!!