i believe most of you know about whats going on between me and him. ya, haluan masing2.. dulu when we were together, i admitted and went public about it. jadi bila dah habis juga, i know i should come clean and tell the thruth as well. didnt wana prolong this.
as human, as a girl, to me breaking up is one hell of a thing to do, the hardest thing to do i must say. people may think im a strong girl. im kasar and i can deal with this easily =) and i always look fin and happy but only God knows what im going thru now. we can say things that help to ease the pain, yes terima kasih sangat atas semangat yg diberi. i really appreciate it. i really do, thanks tapi selalunya its easier said than done.
im dealing with it now. its time, my time. scha terpaksa deal dengan benda yg tak enak, yg tak dapat dielakkan. hope it happened for good. saya kurang bernasib baik, bila benda ni berlaku jugak ke atas saya. its sad. really sad.
kita plan, kita usaha, kita doa tapi it still His call. kalau Dia dah tentukan mcmtu, macamtu lah jadinya. kita usaha, dont give up and give the hardest to fight for what we want but things dont always turn out the way kita nak. kan? jadi kita telan lah walau sakit mcm mana pun. saya ada bahagian saya, dia ada bahagian dia.
saya cuma minta semua orang faham, dan tak payah menyalahkan sesiapa sebab benda yg terjadi ni pun sebenarnya bukan kami yg minta.. it happened just like that no matter how hard we avoid it.Breaking up is not a nice feeling. jadi i hope people would give time or space to both of us. dont speculate, dont judge dont label.. we all go thru this, dont we? we forgive and forget, no hatred, suci dan bersihkan hati. jadilah orang baru, yg lebih berjaya di dunia dan akhirat.
belum habis pasal ni lagi, timbul cerita baru. yg ada macam2 versi.orang bercakap seolah olah mereka tau apa yg terjadi sedangkan yg tau hanya me and him.. timbul pihak ketiga, which to me is the most ridiculous ive ever kena. itulah adat. bila berkawan pulak dengan orang lain,dikatakan bercinta. Dan timbul ceritra kononnya dia romeo..
all this while, i always sincere and i will always be. trust me. baru ‘luka’, belum pulih, terus nak ‘berlari’ lagi? impossible ! God knows how i feel and what i do. Cukuplah..scha tak sepatutnya go public mcm ni tapi TUJUAN scha tulis note ni adalah sebab scha nak jawab kebanyakkan soalan fans kat sini. what u heard is true.jadi lepas ni, please understand. we both going thru some changes in life, shitty ones. just need to toughen up and move on, kan?
its part of life, a process that can better ourselves, and make us stronger. apa yg terjadi , biarlah kept to ourselves. im sure he agress with me =)
please respect my future, and his future as well.
last but not least, its not easy, susah sangat but we have no choice. whatever happens, i hope you guys will support me, and him. and the show that we gonna do together. teruskan menyokong. teruskan bersama kami, dan juga maaf kalau kami menghampakan semua.
scha harap anda akan sokong SB dan saya akan cuba yg terbaik. teruskan menonton Awan Dania 2 dan Papadom di pawagam .
we look good together,we are made for each other but we dont meant to be together….my prayers are with you and family. have a wonderful life ahead.
p/s: harap semua tidak menjadikan note ini sebagai isu, terima lah confession ikhlas dr hati saya. habiskan terus di sini, look forward. bukan untuk publisiti,hanya utk menjawab persoalan semua di sini.
no more why when and how.byebyehave a great mondaysalam
scha alyahya.
i dunno wether i shud do this or not. but my heart says i shud,so here i am. a confession im gonna make..
i believe most of you know about whats going on between me and him. ya, haluan masing2.. dulu when we were together, i admitted and went public about it. jadi bila dah habis juga, i know i should come clean and tell the thruth as well. didnt wana prolong this.
as human, as a girl, to me breaking up is one hell of a thing to do, the hardest thing to do i must say. people may think im a strong girl. im kasar and i can deal with this easily =) and i always look fin and happy but only God knows what im going thru now. we can say things that help to ease the pain, yes terima kasih sangat atas semangat yg diberi. i really appreciate it. i really do, thanks tapi selalunya its easier said than done.
im dealing with it now. its time, my time. scha terpaksa deal dengan benda yg tak enak, yg tak dapat dielakkan. hope it happened for good. saya kurang bernasib baik, bila benda ni berlaku jugak ke atas saya. its sad. really sad.
kita plan, kita usaha, kita doa tapi it still His call. kalau Dia dah tentukan mcmtu, macamtu lah jadinya. kita usaha, dont give up and give the hardest to fight for what we want but things dont always turn out the way kita nak. kan? jadi kita telan lah walau sakit mcm mana pun. saya ada bahagian saya, dia ada bahagian dia.
saya cuma minta semua orang faham, dan tak payah menyalahkan sesiapa sebab benda yg terjadi ni pun sebenarnya bukan kami yg minta.. it happened just like that no matter how hard we avoid it.Breaking up is not a nice feeling. jadi i hope people would give time or space to both of us. dont speculate, dont judge dont label.. we all go thru this, dont we? we forgive and forget, no hatred, suci dan bersihkan hati. jadilah orang baru, yg lebih berjaya di dunia dan akhirat.
belum habis pasal ni lagi, timbul cerita baru. yg ada macam2 versi.orang bercakap seolah olah mereka tau apa yg terjadi sedangkan yg tau hanya me and him.. timbul pihak ketiga, which to me is the most ridiculous ive ever kena. itulah adat. bila berkawan pulak dengan orang lain,dikatakan bercinta. Dan timbul ceritra kononnya dia romeo..
all this while, i always sincere and i will always be. trust me. baru ‘luka’, belum pulih, terus nak ‘berlari’ lagi? impossible ! God knows how i feel and what i do. Cukuplah..scha tak sepatutnya go public mcm ni tapi TUJUAN scha tulis note ni adalah sebab scha nak jawab kebanyakkan soalan fans kat sini. what u heard is true.jadi lepas ni, please understand. we both going thru some changes in life, shitty ones. just need to toughen up and move on, kan?
its part of life, a process that can better ourselves, and make us stronger. apa yg terjadi , biarlah kept to ourselves. im sure he agress with me =)
please respect my future, and his future as well.
last but not least, its not easy, susah sangat but we have no choice. whatever happens, i hope you guys will support me, and him. and the show that we gonna do together. teruskan menyokong. teruskan bersama kami, dan juga maaf kalau kami menghampakan semua.
scha harap anda akan sokong SB dan saya akan cuba yg terbaik. teruskan menonton Awan Dania 2 dan Papadom di pawagam .
we look good together,we are made for each other but we dont meant to be together….my prayers are with you and family. have a wonderful life ahead.
p/s: harap semua tidak menjadikan note ini sebagai isu, terima lah confession ikhlas dr hati saya. habiskan terus di sini, look forward. bukan untuk publisiti,hanya utk menjawab persoalan semua di sini.
no more why when and how.byebyehave a great mondaysalam
scha alyahya.
luahan ini Imz ambil dari satu laman web and i know its truly from Scha.
Imz memang minat dengan Scha Al-Yahya,dan sebagai peminat dia..terasa sedih jugak bila tau dia break dengan Fahrin.
For Scha,
hope u'll be strong dear...
hope u'll be strong dear...